Computer conferencing illustration by Alexandra Koch for Pixabay

Attend an Autoethnography and Narrative Online Conference, January 3-5, 2022

Throughout the first week of January, 2022, the International Association of Autoethnography and Narrative Inquiry ( will hold their International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative (ISAN) as an online conference. “ISAN will provide scholars and practitioners of all experience levels an opportunity to present their autoethnographic and personal narrative projects and to participate in dialogue and sociability with scholars across a variety of disciplines.” Conference sessions will:

  • Use autoethnography and/or personal narrative to engage social, political, cultural, and personal issues;
  • Address theoretical or methodological aspects of autoethnography and narrative; and/or
  • Interrogate or advance autoethnographic and narrative practices.

Members of The AutoEthnographer’s Editorial Board will be present including founder and editor-in-chief, Marlen Harrison, who will be discussing the creation and evolution of The AutoEthnographer Literary and Arts Magazine as the final session at 5pm ET on Wednesday, January 5th, 2022. Additionally, editors including Professor Odessa Ogo, award-winning artist Shanita Mitchell, and poet Jay Meadows will join Marlen and others to discuss the disciplinary and organizational applications of autoethnography at 11am ET on Tuesday, January 4th, 2022:

11:00-11:50am (EST)Tuesday, January 4th, 2022Zoom Room C

7. Disciplinary and Organizational Applications of Autoethnography

Moderator: Sandra Pensoneau-Conway, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (USA)

  • Advancing Analytical Autoethnography in the Conflict Resolution Field, Yehuda Silverman, Independent Scholar
  • Disrupting the MA English Thesis: Using Autoethnography to Explore Culture and Identity in Advanced Literary Studies, Marlen Elliot Harrison, Southern New Hampshire University (USA), Jacob Meadows, Southern New Hampshire University (USA), Shanita Mitchell, Southern New Hampshire University (USA), Odessa Ogo, Southern New Hampshire University (USA)
  • Organizational Bullying and Exit: An Autoethnography of Bullying in a Non-Profit Unpaid Labor Context, R. Tyler Spradley, Stephen F. Austin State University (USA)
  • Adventurously Different, Jason Wragg, University of Central Lancashire (England), and Rebekkah O’Gorman, University of Central Lancashire (England)

5:00-5:50pm (EST)Wednesday, January 5th, 2022Zoom Room B

Meet the Editor

43. Technicolor Third Space: Why I Developed The AutoEthnographer, A New Literary and Arts Magazine Marlen Elliot Harrison, The AutoEthnographer Magazine

Registration is only $50 USD for access to all of the presentations and workshops. Alternatively, one may register solely for all of the workshops ($25 USD) or all of the presentations ($25 USD). Learn more at

Featured image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay