Photo of crashing waves by Samantha Fortnery for Unsplash

IAANI Call for Award Noms; Deadline for Submissions Extended!

The 2022 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative deadline 
for submissions and awards has been extended AUGUST 1, 2021. See below for 
more information. And please share the information with others.


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Call for Submissions

2022 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative Inquiry

January 2-5, 2022

Given the continued prevalence of Covid-19 nationally and internationally, 
travel restrictions, and the uncertainty and financial constraints faced by 
many scholars, the 2022 International Symposium on Autoethnography 
and Narrative (ISAN) will be a fully online conference. The conference will 
occur via Zoom on January 2-5, 2022. Eastern Standard Time (EST) will be 
used for all conference activities. 

ISAN will provide scholars and practitioners of all experience levels an 
opportunity to present their autoethnographic and personal narrative 
projects and to participate in dialogue and sociability with scholars 
across a variety of disciplines. We invite submissions of papers, 
performances, and panels to be considered for presentation. Creative and 
innovative approaches to autoethnography and personal narrative are 
encouraged. Submissions might:
• Use autoethnography and/or personal narrative to engage social, 
political, cultural, and personal issues
• Address theoretical or methodological aspects of autoethnography and 
personal narrative
• Interrogate or advance autoethnographic and personal narrative practices

The deadline to submit a proposal is AUGUST 1, 2021.

For more information about conference submissions, visit www.iaani.org

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Call for Award Nominations

The International Association of Autoethnography and Narrative Inquiry 
(IAANI) invites nominations for the following awards to be given at the 
2022 International Symposium of Autoethnography and Narrative (January 
2-5, 2022):
• Outstanding Book

• Outstanding Audio and/or Visual Project

• Outstanding Thesis (Masters) and Outstanding Dissertation 

Submissions for all awards are due AUGUST 1, 2021.

For more information, visit https://iaani.org/awards/

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