Open book with pop-up illustrations by Tumisu for Pixabay
Open book with pop-up illustrations by Tumisu for Pixabay

The AutoEthnographer is Now a Non-profit Literary & Arts Organization

As of January, 2022 The AutoEthnographer Literary & Arts Magazine is recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a registered nonprofit organization with the primary mission of becoming a trusted, open-source platform to share and educate readers about evocative personal inquiry, as well as to support emerging authors and artists, to promote cultural diversity and appreciation, and to celebrate creative expression as a vehicle for shared understanding.

We believe that autoethnography, the intersection of ethnography & autobiography, is a powerful tool for critical, cultural, personal, and professional reflection and expression; we believe that such creative expression can educate, heal, inspire, illuminate, and challenge. Our independent editorial team of international artists, performers, writers, and scholars invites unpublished, unsolicited, evocative stories – sometimes textual, audio, visual, or multimodal – crafted in conjunction with autoethnography that celebrate the intersection of personal expression and cultural inquiry.

Via the support of readers like you, community and federal grants, and private funding we hope to maintain operating expenses while growing to offer educational content and outreach for an array of learners. Stay tuned for more exciting developments to be announced in our next quarterly newsletter, subscribe below.

Featured image by Tumisu for Puxabay