Photo of assorted textiles by Kiara Coll for Pexels
Photo of assorted textiles by Kiara Coll for Pexels

Donate to The AutoEthnographer

We believe that research over the last 4 decades has illustrated how autoethnography is a powerful tool for critical, cultural, personal, and professional reflection and expression; we believe that autoethnographic creative expression can educate, heal, inspire, illuminate, and challenge.

Dr. Marlen Elliot Harrison, Founder and editor-in-chief

The AutoEthnographer is an award-winning, non-profit, open-access, peer-reviewed literary and arts magazine that relies on readers like you for support. When you donate to The AutoEthnographer, you help us to ensure our future and fulfill our mission: A Florida-based, registered 501(c)(3), we aim to support emerging authors and artists, to promote cultural diversity and appreciation, and to celebrate creative expression as a vehicle for shared understanding.

We believe that research over the last 4 decades has illustrated how autoethnography is a powerful tool for critical, cultural, personal, and professional reflection and expression; we believe that autoethnographic creative expression can educate, heal, inspire, illuminate, and challenge. We particularly seek to give voice to students and scholars who feel marginalized or voiceless in their research journeys, recognizing that there are many ways to perform cultural inquiry and with many different purposes and audiences in mind.

We aim to support emerging authors and artists, to promote cultural diversity and appreciation, and to celebrate creative expression as a vehicle for shared understanding.

Your tax-deductible donations also help us to develop and grow initiatives such as educational outreach, podcasts, print anthologies, biennial prizes, operating costs, and payment for contributors and editors. Thank you for your support!

Please see our Submissions page for more information about publishing at The AutoEthnographer. Please see our Work with Us page to learn about volunteering at The AutoEthnographer. Please see our editor’s introduction The Birth of an Idea, and editorial board’s What Do Editors Look for When Reviewing Evocative Autoethnographies? to learn about the rationale behind The AutoEthnographer. View Our Team to learn about our editorial board. Visit our Community to interact with others.

Featured image by Kiara Coll on