How do creatives find joy in artistic performance as a form of black feminist autoethnography? Podcast & video.
This work of experimental poetry examines the interaction between the happy user of the open source format and the automated surface.
Guillermo Gil's newest book review examines Lidia Marte's Cimarrón Pedagogies, Notes on Auto-Ethnography as a Tool for Critical Education.
Our editor Ulla-Maija Matikainen is questioning the call of otherness and narrates her discovery about the sameness that she has seen.
"Horse, Therapy is a story of my own experience and is a commentary on trauma, both in animals and humans."
Poet Anne McCrary Sullivan discusses her latest book Learning Calabar, Notes from a Poet’s Year in Nigeria with editor Michelle Reale.
"My poems for this special issue seek to document a history of my choice, not just personally but humanly, to use autoethnography to weave through the personal and the political."
"The Christening Gown' is an autoethnographic exploration of the significance of a family heirloom for an Irish Catholic family in the USA."
"This autoethnographic story is about mental illness, specifically bi-polar disorder."
This video explores how editors have developed their approach to reviewing creative autoethnography and highlights strategies for contributors.
"At friends’ homes and the inexpensive trattorias where I usually ate, there was always wine and water on the table, but often only one glass."
In The AutoEthnographer’s latest podcast, Marlen Harrison talks with Sandra Faulkner about collage and visual poetry.