"The following autoethnographic poetry represents the experience of being a casual academic negotiating the workspace."
"I'm proud to announce that this week, on July 13, Rowman & Littlefield will traditionally publish my second book, Coping with Parental Death: Insights and Tips for Teenagers."
"'SEE ME, Windows to the Self of the Performer-Autoethnographer' explores the question, 'What can I learn about myself by making artwork as autoethnography'?
"In "Becoming Multilingual," part 2 of my column, "¡Aguacate! Bringing Up Bebe Bilingüe," I use autoethnography as a writing approach to capture and represent the personal experiences of myself, a qualitative researcher, who has become the researched."
"In my interview with award-winning author Patricia Leavy on literary research, we also discuss her evolution from academic to novelist, her genre of "social fiction," and her latest novels series, Celestial Bodies."
"Editor Guillermo Gil reviews Renata Harden Ferdinand's An Autoethnography of African American Motherhood: Things I Tell my Daughter."
"As a New Age Sage or “Saxion”, it’s important to understand that to move things forward I must accept a challenge - to reinvent myself."
"In Turkey, we must consider opening folklore & the social sciences, but this time more powerfully, staggeringly, and creatively."
"Although I never planned it, I wrote a series of novels, Celestial Bodies, that have pierced my heart in a way nothing else ever has, changing me as a writer and as a person."
"In the newest video from The Twerking Academic, I explore how the summer of 2020 slammed me back into an awareness of my own double consciousness as a Black American."
David Heineman·
All ContentAutoethnographic Art & MultimediaClimate Change Special Issue, 2022Special IssuesVolume 2, Issue 3 (2022)
··2 min read"The Pandemic Nature Project is a 35-minute short autoethnographic film that traces a series of personal experiences, emotional reactions, and critical responses to COVID across a series of short vignettes."
"My oil on canvas series, "Journey of Self Love," depicts a variation of obstacles I've personally had to endure throughout my life as a woman."