"In our latest chat, Patricia Leavy discusses the evolution of the self-coined social fiction genre and offers a sneak peek at her latest publication, Film Blue."
In this new issue, we introduce our podcasts, our first spoken word and sung performances, and continue our coverage of evocative creative expression.
"Dr. Nadine Khair discusses why autoethnography is essential to successful businesses in this latest podcast."
"This autoethnographic essay explores in a (hopefully) creative way ideas about social class in relation to my own negotiations of identity and upbringing in eastern Sydney, Australia."
"How universal homesickness is, even for those who didn’t come from the best homes; these salmon came from Concrete, Washington, and they still fight like hell to come back every single year."
"Censorship via banned books is an attempt to censor the future but the youth of today will not allow their voices to be silenced."
"My research on tattoo meanings utilised autoethnographic accounts of practice to increase understanding of tattooing as practice & profession."
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