"It is in finding these solutions, the tape and the glue that holds us all together, that we find the beauty of who we are as people."
News, Interviews & Reviews
Current events and reviews of publications from the world of autoethnography.
"Congratulations to Shanita Mitchell, Editorial Board member of The AutoEthnographer and multimedia artist, for her recognition by the International Association of Autoethnography and Narrative Inquiry (IAANI)."
"This journal is the culmination of my life’s work as a writing teacher, writer, and farmer. In the pages of this journal, you will find coverage for everything from raising chickens to jam recipes to poetry about farming and Nature."
“The 2022 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative deadline for submissions and awards has been extended AUGUST 1, 2021.”
"The AutoEthnographer is excited to announce the 2022 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative (ISAN), a fully online conference. The conference will occur via Zoom on January 2-5, 2022."
Publication Rights & Contract Information for The AutoEthnographer By submitting work to The AutoEthnographer, contributors affirm that they have read, understood, and...
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