autoethnographer: one who uses lived experience as evidence with which to explore cultural phenomena.
The Karen Disorder: Breaking Free from the Chains of Institutional Labels emerges from my research in the field of illness and identity.
Military culture includes a rich collection of symbols, beliefs, values, language, dress, behaviors, relationships, and work.
This work illustrates the very personal process of a Chinese-born immigrant to the U.S. and a U.S. born citizen learning about each other's cultures over the course of a 27 year marriage.
“What is it like to live and work in a regional comprehensive university during a time of major organizational change and intense conflict?”
This essay describes my experiences of the arts during the Covid-19 when arts and culture organizations had to pivot to virtual offerings.
Commercial genetics has become a cultural phenomenon. In this piece, I use autobiography to document discovering my biological father.
The cultural issues being addressed are how intergenerational knowledge is passed down between women and girls in the kitchen.
Eternal Glow: Black Womanhood’s Story Of Love and Resilience Author’s Memo These...
Book Review: Revealing the Mantra of Trauma Author’s Memo This review of...
An empowered inner authenticity that supersedes the pressures faced by twenty-first century generations - striving for an unattainable false perfect ‘self’.
My Body Is a Suitcase: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Links between Childhood...
Hard Water: An Autoethnography of American Rust is concerned with the spatial formations of capitalism and the psychology of class hegemony.
autoethnographer: one who uses lived experience as evidence with which to explore cultural phenomena.
“The AutoEthnographer is an award-winning, non-profit, open-access, peer-reviewed literary and arts magazine dedicated to presenting the creative side of autoethnography, a qualitative research method uniting ethnography and autobiography that utilizes lived experience as evidence with which to explore cultural phenomena." ISSN: 2833-1400
What is autoethnography? The AutoEthnographer's international team of editors offer definitions & suggested readings.
Readers can ask questions about autoethnography or invite an editor to speak to their group or classroom.
THE AUTOETHNOGRAPHER is a digital magazine dedicated to creating a public, open-source space for creatives to share their personal stories of cultural experience. We aim to support emerging authors and artists, to promote cultural diversity and appreciation, and to celebrate creative expression as a vehicle for shared understanding and positive change.
THE AUTOETHNOGRAPHER is a digital magazine dedicated to creating a public, open-source space for creatives to share their personal stories of cultural experience. We aim to support emerging authors and artists, to promote cultural diversity and appreciation, and to celebrate creative expression as a vehicle for shared understanding and positive change.
Visitation, an Autoethnodrama in One Act
In this autoethnographic play, a woman terminates a pregnancy without telling her husband.
Writing fiction allows me to document reality and to reimagine it, just as we can always reimagine ourselves. And that is why we need stories.
Story-worlds were magical—they transported me to different places where I’d meet new people, and learn about their lives in visceral ways.
Gratitude is a recurring theme I hear from readers of Patricia Leavy’s social fiction. This is an essay about Patricia Leavy novels.
The focus of this piece is to highlight and celebrate the asexual and aromantic community and what it means to exist outside of the expectation to be partnered.
These pieces explore through personal experience the cultural phenomena of migrant loss of identity and subordination, post colonialism, othering
Nothing prepared me for the xenophobia and homophobia I would encounter in Italy. No one warned me how to avoid becoming their victim
However, this autoethnographic piece helped me recognize the importance of levity even when the intellectual content is heavy.
The AutoEthnographer is excited to announce its new Call for Submissions, 2023 Special Issue: “Laughter”
What happens when a witch is black? This piece is a salute to the transformational beauty of cosplay & all the laughter it inspires.
"This essay on bodily autonomy specifically discusses abortion access and rights in the United States and Canada, and the politics that often follow."
"This autoethnographic poetry is born of my personal experience, witness, as well as currently chronicled and ancestral lore."
My essay tells my life story in relation to a specific moment in the history of American women’s access to abortion and reproductive justice.
"Throughout 2022, The AutoEthnographer invites rolling submissions in any of our categories (writing, poetry, multimedia, video, performance, etc.) around the theme of "Climate Change"."
"Here is a humble attempt for the 2022 special issue that comes in simple words to show how climate change begins at home."
"I tend to take every loss of rainforest personally. My autoethnographic poetry 'The Threat' and 'John Doe' are reflective of this."
"When a favorite perfume ceases to exist, it is another kind of death. Having been created, it leaves a special sort of emptiness," from Eulogy for a Perfume.
This writing is based on storytelling, common in Mexican culture.
This work is part of a larger ethnography of scars, one that addresses the intersection medicine, religion, and body politics in (among other places) Nebraska.
In today's new podcast & video Marlen Harrison talks with current marketing interns about the role of culture in using Google Ads.
"Award-winning artist, Suzanne Hughes, talks about autoethnography and painting. Suzanne is responsible for the cover art for our special issue based on climate change."
Today we're talking with the award-winning author, researcher, and performer, Shanita Mitchell about performance and autoethnography.
"In the newest video from The Twerking Academic, I explore how the summer of 2020 slammed me back into an awareness of my own double consciousness as a Black American."
"I called out the demons one by one. I named them. I gave them precise blocking and ultimately, I controlled where they stood, breathed, and bourréed. I gave them an entrance, and a stage, and then I sent them away."
The focus of this piece is to highlight and celebrate the asexual and aromantic community and what it means to exist outside of the expectation to be partnered.
“Woken Word” was born as my inner voice was awakening and the world, ironically was becoming “woke” while simultaneously retreating into isolation.
"Bringing up Baby” is a collection of collage and erasure poems that function as praise for and critique of (white) mothering.
This work, a narrative and poetic account of a school shooting, provides an experiential entry into the experience from the point of view of a faculty member.
In The AutoEthnographer’s latest podcast, Marlen Harrison talks with Sandra Faulkner about collage and visual poetry.
"I had not been aware that this emotional research was also performing autoethnography, collecting memories from the field"
"Although I never planned it, I wrote a series of novels, Celestial Bodies, that have pierced my heart in a way nothing else ever has, changing me as a writer and as a person."
"Autoethnography and culture: Embodied inquiry is not a formula, or methodology, but a way of being, being open to the body as a source of knowledge, wonder, difficulty, fragility and utter joy."
Leavy’s Writing and Publishing Qualitative Research is a comprehensive guide that navigates the intricate landscape of qualitative research from the writing phase to publishing.
"Award-winning artist, Suzanne Hughes, talks about autoethnography and painting. Suzanne is responsible for the cover art for our special issue based on climate change."
Visitation, an Autoethnodrama in One Act
In this autoethnographic play, a woman terminates a pregnancy without telling her husband.