I introduce artistic autoethnography and how the term a/r/tifact opens up the imagination to the possibilities of autoethnographic artmaking.
Just like Puerto Rican immigrants, animals might land in a complex political landscape where some might welcome them, but some might not.
In today's new podcast & video Marlen Harrison talks with current marketing interns about the role of culture in using Google Ads.
“Manslation” explores several episodes from the author’s childhood and early adulthood that show the development of his sexual literacy.
Ethology is a highly fictionalized ethnographic account of my travels around Tanzania, East Africa during my teens.
Sandra L. Faulkner·
All ContentAutoethnographic Art & MultimediaAutoethnographic PoetryFrom the EditorsMoreVolume 3, Issue 1 (2023)
··15 min read"Bringing up Baby” is a collection of collage and erasure poems that function as praise for and critique of (white) mothering.
I. Hate. Black. History. Month. And I’m hopeful, that in time, you will come to hate it too!
In the following interview with award-winning author, Patricia Leavy, we discuss writing fiction and her new novel Hollyland.
This piece explores the ways in which identity and esteem are interwoven into the topic of Black hair.
How do creatives find joy in artistic performance as a form of black feminist autoethnography? Podcast & video.
This work of experimental poetry examines the interaction between the happy user of the open source format and the automated surface.
Guillermo Gil's newest book review examines Lidia Marte's Cimarrón Pedagogies, Notes on Auto-Ethnography as a Tool for Critical Education.