Ethology is a highly fictionalized ethnographic account of my travels around Tanzania, East Africa during my teens.
I. Hate. Black. History. Month. And I’m hopeful, that in time, you will come to hate it too!
“Manslation” explores several episodes from the author’s childhood and early adulthood that show the development of his sexual literacy.
"I danced each morning with Pina Bausch. I became her pupil lifting my leg up in the air like a flamingo except feeling more awake than I’ve ever been."
Poet Anne McCrary Sullivan discusses her latest book Learning Calabar, Notes from a Poet’s Year in Nigeria with editor Michelle Reale.
I introduce artistic autoethnography and how the term a/r/tifact opens up the imagination to the possibilities of autoethnographic artmaking.
"This autoethnographic story is about mental illness, specifically bi-polar disorder."
In the autoethnographic "Spinach Lasagna", the narrator joins a family of southern Italians and learns that grieving is cultural.
"This is an autoetnography of a black fatherhood journey which encapsulates my hopes, my fears, my love of baby and mother, while trying my best to make sense of a Black fatherhood I wanted so very dearly."
Guillermo Gil's newest book review examines Lidia Marte's Cimarrón Pedagogies, Notes on Auto-Ethnography as a Tool for Critical Education.
Sandra L. Faulkner·
All ContentAutoethnographic Art & MultimediaAutoethnographic PoetryFrom the EditorsMoreVolume 3, Issue 1 (2023)
··15 min read"Bringing up Baby” is a collection of collage and erasure poems that function as praise for and critique of (white) mothering.
Confessions of an ESL Student explores the significant role that English study played in my development as a student and adult.